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Saturday, July 9, 2011

METIS Michif Rosary

Li Shaplee - The Holy Rosary

Wiicheewagaanaa Tapeetamwag

Apostle's Creed

Ndaapweetenn li Bonjeu,

li Papa kashokatishidmawachi,

kaakiw kaozhitaat li syel ekwa la ter.

Ndaapweetenn li Jeyzus

kaagiikichiitotaat peyug ego son

Garsoo, kaaniigaaniishtamagoyak,

kiioshiiew oche

okichitawishokishiiwinn avik

Ekichitwaawak Kiniigiigwann,

ekwa eniitawigit oche la Saent Vyaarzh.

Pontyas Paylat naashpich kiigwatagiiew

li Bonjeuwa, kiishagaweywag

denn krwe, kiinipo, ekwa kiinachigaasho. 


daan la trwazyem zhurnee kiipasheygo miina.

Daan li syel kiitotew,

ekwa kiiapiigaasho andaa

tapishkoch Papa.  Miina tapeetotew

chipeewiieshowaadat kapimaatishii'id

ekwa kaanipoyit.

Ndaapweetenn Ekichitwaawak

Kiniigiigwann, kaakichitwaawak ligliiz,

kakiio kapimichawaachig li Bonjeu

awaa daan li syel ekwa daan la ter kakiio

li Bonjeu sa famii, chiponey chigaateg

kamachiitochigaateg, li kor chiiapachipaat

ekwa chipimaatishik tapitaw.  Answichil.

I believe in God, the Father almighty,

Creator of heaven and earth.

And I believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son,

Our Lord, who was conceived by

the power of the Holy Spirit, and

born of the Virgin Mary.

He suffered under Pontius Pilate

was crucified, died, and was buried. 

He descended to the dead, and on

the third day he rose again.  He

ascended into heaven, and is seated

at the right hand of the Father.  He

will come again in glory to judge

the living and the dead.

I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy

catholic Church, the communion of

saints, the forgiveness of sins, the

resurrection of the body, and life

everlasting.  Amen.


Ton Periinaann - Our Father

Ton Periinaann, daan li syel kayaayenn

kiichitwaawann ton noo.

Kiya kaaniikaanishtamann peytoteiie

kaandaweetamann taatochiikatew

ota daan la ter taapishkoch daan li syel.

Miinaann anoch mon paeniinaann

poneeiiminaann kamachitotamaak,

niishtanaann nkaponeemaanaanik

anike kaakiimaiitotaakoyaakuk

kayakochii'inaann, maaka

pashpii'inaann aayik oche



kishokishiiwinn, kaakichiteemiiak

kiya aniie, anoch ekwa takiine.  Answichil.

Our Father in Heaven, your name

is holy.  May your kingdom come,

and your will be done on earth as

it is in heaven.

Give us today the food that we need

and forgive us for our sins,

just as we forgive those who sin

against us.

Give us strength to resist temptation,

and keep us from all evil.  Amen.


Kichiiteiim Li Bonjeu - Glory Be

Kichiiteiim kii Papaiinaann,

ekwa li Garsoo,

ekwa Ekichitwaawak Kiniigiigwann.

Taapishkoch kaamaachipaii'ik,

ekwa sheemaak, ekwa taapitaw ~

la ter ekaa chiponipaayik.  Answichil. 

Glory be to the Father, and to

the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, as

it was in the beginning, is now,

and forever shall be ~ world

without end.  Amen.


O Mon Jeyzus - Oh My Jesus

O Mon Jeyzus, poneeminaann

kaamachitotamaak, pashpii'inaann

daan li feu oche daan lenfer.

Niigaaniishta kaakiio niniigiiawaanaanig ekwa anige nawach kandaweiitakig

chiikitimaagee maachig.  Answichil.

Oh my Jesus, forgive us our sins

and save us from the fires of hell. 

Lead all souls to heaven, especially

those most in need of your mercy.  Amen.


Kigichiiteiimitiinaann Marii - Hail Mary

Kigichiiteiimitiinaann Marii,

ekichiiteiimit, Li Bonjeu wiya

avik twa.  Ekichiitakishoyenn

kiya ki tuu lii fam, ekwa

kiichitwaawaanaa mawishwaanaa

kapimotaatayenn kataak Jeyzus.

Kiichitwaawann Marii, Mer di

Bonjeu, ayamiieshtemoinaann

sheemaak ekwa atinapoyaako.  Answichil.

Hail Mary, full of grace, the

Lord is with you.  Blessed are

you among women, and

blessed is the fruit of your womb

Jesus.  Holy Mary, Mother of God,

pray for us sinners, now, and at

the hour of our death.  Amen.


Miiawaatann Maamashkaach – The Joyful Mysteries


i.  Li taanzh Gabriiel kiipeewiitamawew

 la Saent Vyaarzh aen pichii Jeyzu

 eeweyaawat. - Annunciation.


ii.  La Saent Vyaarzh kiigiiogawew

sa kouzinn Iilizabeth. - Visitation.


iii.  Li pichii Jeyzu nataawagew.

- Birth of Jesus.


iv.  Li pichii Jeyzu kiitotaiigaasho

kaakichitowak la Meyzon.

- Presentation of Jesus in the Temple.


v.  Kiimishkaagaasho li pichii Jeyzu

kaakichotawak la Meyzon egote Zherusalem.

- Discovery of Jesus at the temple in Jerusalem.




Maamatawinaagwanaa Kaawashashkoteiige

- The Luminous Mysteries

i.  Jeyzus kiishigayatagasho

daan la rivyer de Zhordan.

- Jesus is baptized in the river Jordan.


ii.  Aen nas ashtew en Kana.

- The wedding at Cana.


iii.  Jeyzus itwew kakichitowishid

pe ayaw. - The proclamation of the Kingdom of God.


iv.  Jeyzus wapataiiwew

ogichitoishiiwinn eywaashkoshod

kiioshta'ayik wiya daan li montaynn

de Teybor. - Transfiguration of Jesus on Mt. Tabor.


v.  Eshkwach Jeyzus supii

kaamiichishochig avik wiichewagana kiigiimiieegonaannwiyawaann ekwa son saan,

chiiwiichewayak tapitaw.

- The institution of the Eucharist

at the Last Supper.  Jesus

gives us his body and blood so

that we can choose to receive

eternal life.                 


Mitaateetaagwann Maamashkaach

- Sorrowful Mysteries

i.  Jeyzus kwatageetaw daan

li zhardan. - The agony in the garden.


ii.  Jeyzus kiinochiigaasho

 aen fwet kiiabachitaawag

ekwa lii ploon egiigamoge.

- Jesus is tied to a pillar and

beaten with a whip made

with pieces of lead.


iii.  Jeyzus kiiachigaatew aen

koronn ochi shnelii. - Jesus is crowned with thorns.


iv.  Jeyzus kiipimiiwateegaasho la krwe.

- Jesus carries the cross.


v.  Jeyzus kiishagaaweywag daan

la krwe ochichig ekwa ochitak. - Jesus is crucified. 


Maatawpayinn daan li Syel - Glorious Mysteries

i.  Apichiipaw Jeyzus niponik oche.

- The Ressurection.


ii.  Jeyzus daan li syel itotew.

- Jesus ascends into heaven.


iii.  Ekichitwawishid peiitotew.

- The descent of the Holy Spirit.


iv.  La Saent Vyaarzh shipwetaiigasho

daan li syel. - The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin.


v.  La Saent Vyaarzh oshigasho

la Renn daan li syel. - The Blessed Virgin is crowned Queen of Heaven. 


Kiigichiiteiimitiinaann Kaagichitwaaoshyenn La Renn - Hail Holy Queen


Kaagichitwaaoshiienn La Renn,

Mama oche gaashaagii'iiwet. 

Kichiiteiitaa mbimaatishiwiniinaann,

kaashiiwishiiaak, ekwa


Nimaatonaann mon Saent Vyaarzh

anaann oche kaaweepinigaashoyak

liiz enfen oche Iiv.

Ota daan la valii maatowinn, ekwa




Ayamiiesh tamaawiinaann

wiijii'iinaann chimishkawayaak

ton garsoo Jeyzus.  Answichil.

Hail Holy Queen, Mother of Mercy,

Hail our life, our sweetness, and

our hope.  To you we turn, poor,

banished children of Eve.  To you

we send our sighs, mourning and

weeping in this valley of tears.

Pray for us most gracious advocate,

and help us to know your son Jesus.  Amen. 


Ayamiiaawinn oche Ekichitwaawak Kiniigiigwaann - Prayer to the Holy Spirit

 Kaaniiganiishtamaawiiak daan li

syel, ana kaochicanawapamigoyaak,

oniigii'igwaanaa kaataapweeit

mishiiweeayaw ekwa kakiio

kegwey kaiitagwak, anda

kaochikichitotagawiiak, ekwa

pimaatishiiwinn kaamii'igoyak;

Pepiitigwee daan mon choer,


chiigaashiiaapawitayenn eegok


pimaachitaa nii'iigiigwaiinaann

kaakichitowishiienn.  Answichil.


Leader in heaven, the One who

comforts us, Spirit of Truth

who is everywhere and is in

all of creation, Source of all

blessings, and giver of Life;

We welcome you into our

hearts, wash us of all our sins,

and save our souls Oh Holy One.  Amen.

Jeyzus Mon Bonjeuiinaann - Jesus Prayer

Jeyzus Mon Bonjeuiinaann,

li Garsoo kapimaatishid oche

ton Bonjeuiinaann,



kiyanaann oche kapashpii'iiwet.  Answichil.

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the

living God, have mercy on us

sinners, our Saviour.  Amen.